Tag Archives: Shocker Ball

New and DIFFERENT is good

For the Fall 2011 season our U10 Shockers will play under the Newtown system out of Johns Creek.

What is both unusual, and rather exciting (I think) is that Newtown defies Georgia Soccer philosophies and has U10 playing 11v11 – as opposed to the standard 6v6 “more touches” format.

We have fifteen players. Several find themselves playing soccer for the first time. And, many are not yet sure what to make of their enthusiastic coach (but our legacy cheer: “WE ARE SHOCKERS” gets them moving in the right direction every time). And, to be certain, our early practices offer great promise.

Emma Jo and BFF Mary Elizabeth are quite pleased with their alarmingly pink kits, a Shockers first, to be sure.

Our first match is Saturday September 17th, with a team picture certainly to follow.

Coach Brian

character defined

So… Winning is great. Shockers tend to do that.

We call it Shocker Ball.

Before the match I advised this hearty and ferocious U16 crew that certainly Shockers have a legacy and a history of U12 and U14 winning. But this was their team, and a chapter in the history book was for their own making.

The Fusion Fury gave us five penalties. Our Shockers gave up none. Along the way, we put up a decisive nine (9) to three (3) victory that allowed for a rousing start to our 2009 Fall campaign.

Fair and even play with integrity, character and good sportsmanship.

Over all, and simply put, our offense was dominating. We had twenty nine (29) shots on goal. Five players scored. We controlled the Midfield, always a key to our historical success. Our untried Defense was clearly unsettled in the first half. And, this allowed for three fast breaks, and three goals against us. However, there was no bickering. No hands-on-hips. The defense rallied one-to-the-other, and shut the Fury out in the 2nd half.

That was an awesome way to get the season started.

However, at least from a coaching standpoint, certainly that would be mine – and, based upon what I saw in the eyes this afternoon of our Shockers – winning with courage, integrity and character offers naught but the greatest satisfaction.

This squad has some real characters. It was hot, and they got tired from wearing the Fury defense down with one relentless attack after the other. They played with all their hearts this afternoon, and put on an astounding display of grit and determination (not to mention canny passing and solid communication). Along the way, they also showed a touch of class and brought home the win with grand style and a total dissplay of team work and great sportsmanship. As the 2nd half wore on they reminded their coach that we had promised to pull out Keeper forward for some field minutes. And, by the way (with our reserve Keeper confidently in place – something new for Shocker Nation), she did just that, and was brilliant.

NOTE: They also learned going into the 2nd half why we run so much before and into the early part of the season! The Fury were hands-on-knees while we had begun to experiment, with a will and grim intent, different midfield rotations.

Fall 2009 ShockersWe took our team picture in front of the net where we scored six of our nine goals. Our Shockers stood tall and close together. A new team forged with a common goal and a sense of destiny that builds on our Shocker Nation foundation, and offers great promise for the future.

It’s in their eyes now. They can win. There is that. But they can be champions in anything they do. and, they will remember this day… The first day they, together, played Shocker Ball!

And, that day, Shocker Nation, was ours.

Coach Brian